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Thunder Bay & NW ON Region Area Council Meeting Minutes of September 26, 2017

Thunder Bay & NW ON Area Council
Meeting Minutes of September 26th, 2017
Thunder Bay Regional Office

Roll Call of Officers:
Tony Crupi, President (UTE)
Peter Cloidt, Vice-President (UTE)
Treasurer, Kevin Lunsdstrom (UHEW) (called in)
Secretary, Rita Lemick (UHEW)
Membership Secretary, Michelle Woods (UNE)

Sheila Karasiewicz, Aboriginal Members Rep ON Council (UNE)
Kerry Zimmerman, (DCL)
Jason Storkson, Region 1 ON Council Rep (DCL)
Margaret Paglaro (UHEW)
Danica Pavelich (UHEW)

PSAC Staff:
Sandra Goodick, Regional Representative
Nancy Johnson, Administrative Assistant

Call to order: Tony called the meeting to order at 5:33
Adopt agenda: As presented
Approval of previous Minutes: Approve July 5th Minutes
Moved by Tony, seconded by Michelle

President’s Report:
PSAC Ontario Convention:
Tony attended the Convention in May. Recognized the returning and newly elected representatives on the Ontario council:
Jay Region 1, alternate Kerry.
Sheila Aboriginal representative, alternate Michelle.
Tony thanked Kevin for his 15+ years of dedication and service as the Area 1 Representative on Ontario council and that he is available to assist newly elected representatives.
Labour Day Picnic:
480 ice cream cups. Well-received and appreciated. Tony to send report to REVP’s office outlining the expenses in order to receive reimbursement
Kevin stated that there is a copy of last years’ report that can be used as a template
Moved by Tony, seconded by Kerry

Tony turned the chair to Sandra to conduct the election of convention delegate and alternate

PSAC National Convention Delegate election:
Delegate: Tony Crupi
Peter nominated Tony, seconded by Rita, acclaimed
Alternate delegate: Rita Lemick
Tony nominated Rita, seconded by Kerry, acclaimed
Treasurer’s Report:
Verbal report provided from Kevin
As of August 31st, 2017 the credit union statement shows a balance of $2,954.27.
From that Labour Day expenses $210 approx., food tonight $35 approx. and $300 for national psac delegate registration. Wreaths expenses upcoming $200 approx.
It was suggested that Kevin send a copy of statements into the Regional office prior to the meeting so that they can be made available to all members viewing.

Moved by Kevin, seconded by Tony

Area 1 Regional Representative’s Report:
Jay: Jay’s reported that he is the H&S representative; Sheila is both Human Rights and Education.
Training was provided to Ontario Council but members are not fully finalized in roles yet. (Sheila also attended). Jay will start to reach out to Local Presidents to encourage knowledge exchange.
Next Ontario Council meeting Nov 1-4 if members have input please send to Jay.
Committee asked Jay if he could bring a recommendation to ON Council for funding for PSAC tents. Many regions and affiliates have them and good promotion/identifiable. Tony will cost out with Nancy’s assistance to give to Jay.

PSAC Representative Report:
The office will be closed October 10-13 for PSAC Ontario staff conference.
Sandra will be in Toronto for the WHSC training October 17-25, Ontario Council Health and Safety committee meetings November 1st, Ottawa for Negotiations training November 14-17.
Nancy will be available during Sandra’s absence along with Sudbury Representative

Grievance Handling course scheduled in September was cancelled due to low registration numbers, will be offered again in 2018 likely March
Local officers (2) is scheduled in Thunder Bay, November 25-26.
WHSC Level 1 advanced course being offered in Toronto, October 21-24. There are two (2) participants from the NW ON region attending
WSIB levels 1 & 2 and disability prevention in Thunder Bay, week of December 4th
Sandra has drafted the 2018 staffing schedule that will be shared with the Ontario council education committee for their approval.
Education budget for the Thunder Bay RO is $17, 000.00
TUB will be offered in January
Lobbying & Media training tentatively February 10-11
Steward series will be offered on Wednesday evenings in the months of Jan-March. These modules can be done on line as well and our pre-requisites for advanced courses so we want to ensure that members qualify
New schedule will be posted once approved

District Labour Council 3rd Thursday every month. 7:30 Tony will attempt to go.
Parks and CFIA still at table. Border has gone to PIC. First Nations Police – reached tentative agreement.

New Business:
Remembrance Day: need three (3) volunteers in total for three (3) locations. Sheila Mount McKay, Tony Waverly, Jay Fort William Gardens. Tony will provide more details once he receives the information
December 13th: Christmas party Ron Boucher – Sandra will book and ask RWC Chair about collaborating for the event as they have done in the past
Next meeting:
November 22nd at 5:30

Business arising from previous minutes: Bring Forward.
Standing item correspondence: Bring Forward.

Danica/ Marg: attended UHEW convention in August. Todd Panas, elected National President.
Kerri: wage parity with OPP civilians work continues on this issue.
Kevin: busy 6 months with UHEW merger. Todd Panas very proactive and responsive in dealing with member issues in a timely manner. He actively liaises with senior management in HC and PHAC producing results. Members dealing with mh issues continue to be treated unfairly however Todd is taking steps to fix.
Sheila: attended UNE National convention in August. Kevin King, National President, Andrew Shaver, NEVP, Daniel Toutant, National Vice-President Human Rights, Kate Hart, Assistant National Vice-President for Human Rights, Marianne Walker, ON Regional Vice-President
RWC Full Moon Memory Walk. Turned out well over 200 walkers. New banner was created and carried by Danica and Margaret. Thanked Nancy for all the work on the design of the banner. Banner displayed at the meeting.
RWC Sisters in Spirit vigil on October 4th at 5:30 pm at Sheila’s, posters were printed for distribution. Ontario Native Women’s Association is holding an event in the afternoon which limits our members’ participation
Nancy: Rita to send Nancy draft minutes so she can send them out to committee members for response, council agreed that one week to approve draft minutes is acceptable. By-laws state that minutes should be forwarded to REVP’s office within thirty (30) days of the meeting. Nancy will send once she gets the approval from Tony.
Rita: Questions from members about INAC and FNIHB future. Also, ongoing issues with membership lists. Questions about retro pay if accurate.
Jay: Officers fought for pay parity with OPP, retro pay is coming end of month. Continually hiring new officers. Don’t have to work by yourself as of March. Most of officers have cell phones now.
Tony: attended UTE component convention, well organized and enjoyed it

Adjournment: 7:01 pm
Motion by Tony, seconded by Jay

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